Photos: link

Results:   Link


2022 Zoom8 Boys & Girls European Championships – Notice No. 3


Sailing instruction


2022 Zoom8 Boys & Girls European Championships – Notice No. 2


Dear sailors, coaches and parents, enclosed you will find necessary documents


Inspection guide

Checklist EC 2022


2022 Zoom8 Boys & Girls European Championships – Notice No. 1

The Zoom8 European Championship will be held from April 12th to April 16th, 2022

Location:  Yacht Club Mörbisch (YCM)

Organized by:  Yacht Club Mörbisch, Burgenländische Yacht Club and Zoom8

                               International Class Association
Official documents:      Notice of Race
Entry Form / Entries:   Link
Registration:                    At the YCM building
Covid-19 Information:
Sanitary facilities:         AT the YCM building


Christian Bayer

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